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Cretamap was created in an attempt to highlight the hosting services, dining options, entertainment, events, the diversity and unique attractions of Crete and to present them in a complete online travel guide.

As locals, our goal is to give our guests from abroad a comprehensive picture of our beautiful island so as to choose the best for their holidays.

Wanting to offer a tantalizing taste for our guests before they even begin their journey, we have created an interactive site, handy and functional, full of pictures, maps and information, providing its guests the opportunity to comment and exchange experiences.

Update 2017: is supported by Travel Agency e-services – Licensed by Greek National Tourism Organization.
GNTO Registration number: 0206E70000603701
Company registration number: EL 07451346

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The comfiest hotels, most delicious restaurants and must-see places of the best corner of the Mediterranean.

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about Crete

Crete is the largest island in Greece, and the fifth largest one in the Mediterranean Sea. With an exquisite 1,000 kilometer-long coastline, Crete boasts about 400 beaches most of which have earned a Blue Flag. The innumerable beaches combined with impressive mountains, steep gorges and fertile plains make Crete the island with the most diverse landscape in Greece.

Why Crete?

Since the island's touristic development, which dates back in the 60's, Crete nowadays demonstrates from luxurious resorts to really cheap accommodation. The visitor will find countless hotels, apartments, studios and villas to ensure a memorable holiday. Moreover, the abundance of fresh products and the renowned for its life-prolonging qualities Cretan cuisine served at the island's restaurants, make Crete a holiday destination which has it all!